Local Workforce Development Boards meet regularly with other partner agencies to ensure communication, cooperation, and cohesion in programs. The following are the WIOA Partners for Franklin-Hampshire Workforce Development Region:

Catholic Charities, Worcester County | website: https://www.ccworc.org/
Center for New Americans | website: https://cnam.org/
Community Action Pioneer Valley | website: https://www.communityaction.us/
Department of Elder Affairs, Springfield | website: https://www.springfield-ma.gov/hhs/elderaffairs
Department of Transitional Assistance, Greenfield | website: https://www.mass.gov/locations/dta-greenfield-transitional-assistance-office
Department of Unemployment Assistance | website: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/department-of-unemployment-assistance
Franklin County Sheriff’s Office | website: https://www.fcso-ma.us/
Hampshire County Sheriff’s Office | website: https://www.hampshiresheriffs.com/
International Language Institute of MA | website: https://ili.edu/
Massachusetts Commission for the Blind | https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-commission-for-the-blind
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission, Greenfield | website: https://www.mass.gov/locations/mrc-greenfield
MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center |website: https://www.masshirefhcareers.org/
The Literacy Project | website: https://www.literacyproject.org/
Westover Job Corps Center | website: https://westover.jobcorps.gov/

Additional/Invited Partners:

Greenfield Community College| website: https://www.gcc.mass.edu/
Holyoke Community College | website: https://www.hcc.edu/

Federal law requires that Local Workforce Development Boards periodically develop a regional workforce plan which includes an analysis of:

  • regional economic conditions
  • existing and emerging in-demand industry sectors and occupations
  • employment needs of employers in those sectors and occupations
  • labor market information, trends, and challenges
  • workforce education and training activities that are addressing those needs.

The Workforce Board Plan must also include the Board’s strategic vision and goals, its strategy for working with other community partners to align resources, and how it will engage employers in workforce development programs.

The Plan includes a description of the MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center delivery system in the region, including programs and services for disadvantaged adults, dislocated workers, and youth, and is accompanied by a description of annual Performance Goals and the kind and amount of federal workforce allocations available to support them.